Vitamin B12 Injection
Vitamin B12 is an essential compound that we need.
Vitamin B12 Injection
Vitamin b12 is an essential vitamin that your body needs but cannot produce, it is injected intramuscularly and commonly used to prevent or treat a deficiency. B12 has many benefits for the body such as red blood cell formation, energy levels, and mood.
What are Vitamin B12 Injections?

Vitamin B12 is an essential compound that we need to maintain the normal functioning of the brain, nervous system and in producing red blood cells. If we do not have enough levels of B12 in our bodies it can show symptoms of tiredness, fatigue, poor memory, mental fog and malaise.

What is Vitamin B12?

B12 is naturally found in meat, milk, poultry and eggs. It is also a main factor in many vitamin supplements, aimed at increasing energy levels. It is water-soluble so can quickly leave the body via our kidneys without enough of the vitamin being absorbed by our bodies.

What results should I expect from Vitamin B12 Injection?

When we inject the compound straight into the muscle more of the vitamin is absorbed giving us weeks and months worth of benefit rather than taking a supplement every day.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who will do the B12 injection?

We have Registered Nurse Practitioners at our clinic and they will give the injection.

When will I feel the results?

It depends on the individual and whether you need just a B12 top up or if you have a deficiency. It’s possible to feel the results in a few hours or days but some people might need to have another injection or a course of injections if they are really low.

How often will I need to have a B12 injection?

We recommend a B12 injection every 12 weeks but this could be longer for some people if they feel that their levels are still good and not suffering with any of the symptoms mentioned earlier.

Procedure & Price
Vitamin B12 Injection
Vitamin B12 Injection From £40
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